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  • Netter's Orthopaedic Clinical Examination, 4th Edition An Evidence-Based Approach
  • Netter's Orthopaedic Clinical Examination, 4th Edition An Evidence-Based Approach

Netter's Orthopaedic Clinical Examination, 4th Edition An Evidence-Based Approach

TIMH: 66,00 €

Κωδικός: 9780323695336

Σε απόθεμα

  •  Offering a thorough, highly illustrated review of the musculoskeletal physical exam, this practical guide covers relevant anatomy, pathoanatomy, and special tests using the well-known art of Dr. Frank H. Netter as well as clinical photographs. Netter’s Orthopaedic Clinical Examination: An Evidence-Based Approach, 4th Edition, provides the information you need to assess the reliability and diagnostic utility of musculoskeletal physical exams and incorporate evidence into your clinical decision making. Summary tables and carefully selected references highlight best available evidence, providing a practical resource for the busy student and clinician.

    Key Features
    Provides up-to-date, actionable summaries of available evidence so you can quickly evaluate the effectiveness of clinical tests, review recent studies, and determine which test will best predict a specific diagnosis.
    Includes more than 25 videos showing movement for select tests, helping you get the most clinically significant information from the orthopaedic examination.
    Presents classic Netter artwork and anatomy/biomechanics tables that enhance your understanding of the orthopedic anatomy and pathology of each joint.
    Uses a practical, tabular format that provides quick access to test reliability and diagnostic utility, study quality, anatomy and biomechanics, and summary recommendations for applying evidence in practice.
    Features an assessment of study quality (QUADAS) appendix and color-coded icons identifying study quality that draw your attention to top-quality studies and help you understand why some studies were included and others omitted.
    Adds a scale to reliability tables, making it easy to focus on approaches and tests with the highest reliability, and includes QAREL (Quality Appraisal for Reliability Studies) checklists for each reliability study. 
  •  ISBN Number

    Author Information
    By Joshua Cleland, PT, PhD, Shane Koppenhaver, PT, PhD and Jonathan Su, PT, DPT, LMT
    Copyright Year
    Edition Number
    Format Size
    260 x 184 (7 1/4 x 10 1/4)
    Approx. 340 illustrations (340 in full color)
    Page Count
    Publication Date
    Stock Status